Friday, 28 March 2014

Poster survey

Using a tally, I asked 20 people which poster out of three designs they thought should be used to advertise our film trailer. It was clear from the results that the first poster design was favourited was Poster 1 which obtained over half of the votes over posters 2 and 3.

From the most popular choice, I asked what caused them to choose that poster. The most frequent answer was that there was a link between the poster and the trailer as in the trailer, clips of the film are shown through Polaroid images and in the poster, stills from the film are shown on images within a Polaroid image which is framed by the general information included on a poster such as the age certificate, etc. Although from the other answers, thus poster also clearly shows the genre and teases the viewer by showing small parts of the film in the stills.

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