Sunday, 13 October 2013

Costume & Prop Research - Costumes & Props in Genre

I did some research into costumes and props common to the three main genres we are interested in:


 - Trenchcoat (detective), suit (smart), trilby - influenced by Sherlock Holmes, trademark detective look
 - Masks, gloves, white overalls (forensics)
 - Cameras (crime scene)
 - Evidence of crime (gun, broken glass etc)
 - "Police Line" tape (crime scene)
 - Police cars
 - Police Uniform
 - Newspaper clippings (detective research)
 - thumbprints

Social Realism

 - Focus' on normal life - meant to be relatable
 - Clothes and costumes depend on the fashions of the era (eg This Is England - set in the 80s)
 - Includes drama, so often  knife/gun/weapon/drugs involved)


 - Often separated into sub-genres (e.g. crime thriller or action thriller) so costuming largely depends on that
 - However, thrillers include some kind of action, and so weapons (most likely guns) are usually involved (House At The End of the Street, Psycho)

Kira Welland

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