Wednesday, 12 February 2014

First Draft Credits.

As we are doing a teaser trailer, we do not need many credits being shown through our film trailer as we are only teasing the audience not telling them what is happening and going to happen. I created the credits in power point where I added the small social networking site logos. I then imported these into iMovie as photos and applied transitions each side of the credits.

I decided to put a black ground with white writing as its more contrasting and makes the text on the page stand out  more. When creating the final few credits I included all the social networking sites that our production have including Facebook, twitter and Instagram. For the name of the film, I decided to put it in a dark red because it makes its stand out more and attract the audience more.

Below I have added print screens of the credits that we have included in our teaser trailer.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

First Draft - Evaluation Feedback

From showing our first draft to an audience of 16-19, we asked them to fill in a questionnaire relating to our film trailer. From the feedback we found that we got positive feedback and most that most people got the idea of what the film is about.

We  handed out a questionnaire to the audience members, giving them a chance to give us any positive or negative feedback about our film trailer.  

We included these questions:-

1) What do you like about the trailer?
2) What genre do you think the trailer is?
3) Do you think that it is theatrical or teaser trailer?
4) Do you feel that the trailer is to small?
5) What do you think we could improve?

The one question that we will focus on from the questionnaire is about what we can improve.

What we found out/need to improve:-
  • From these two questionnaires, we can see that some people feel that the trailer was theatrical and some a teaser. This means that we need to make it more of a teaser trailer, as this is what we aim to make. 
  • We also had a mix of answers in relation to the genre of our film. As some people said horror, crime, social realism, drama and detective. From this we can see that we need to make it more obvious that our trailer is a mystery realism. 
  • That people are satisfied with the length of the trailer. 
  • That we need to include some more sound over some of the scenes - the part where it starts to pick up pace.
  • That the music finishes to early. 
  • To add some dialogue.
  • That we could add some text throughout the trailer. 

What people liked about the trailer:-
  • The green screens
  • The graphic match.
  • The SFX into the photo.
  • Post production
  • The music
  • The cuts/shots
  • Photographs

By Nicole Moulder

Monday, 10 February 2014

Saturday, 8 February 2014


Although there are not a large amount of credits in a teaser trailer, fonts still had to be considered for text such as the title. We looked at fonts from Microsoft and 'Dafont'. The more suitable fonts were those that were based around either one of the genres (although this was limited and the only genre was crime/mystery) or handwriting as this could be interpreted as that of the detective. 
The font we chose was Cambria Math as it fulfilled the requirements we had set for it which was that it was both clear and readable unlike fonts such as Notera and appeared professional and appropriate for the genre.