Sunday, 29 December 2013

Make Up Ideas

In our film trailer, we are having a detective who is struggling to work out what happened from the case that he was assigned to solve, because of this he has developed a alcohol problem and has become very tired and stressed, this resulting in him looking very worn out.

To achieve the look that we require for our actor, we will be using dark make up around the eyes and underneath, with a hint of purple in the corner and under to show the bags under his eyes, which has resulted in the lack of sleep and stress, we will blend this in with a thin make up brush so it doesn't look as if we have put make up on. We will also "colour in" the actors wrinkles/ lines on his face to make them more exaggerated, as many people get wrinkles from the lack of sleep and stress.
As our actor has a pale complexion we are going to use a foundation that is lighter than his skin or a concealer on our actor to make him look very pale and worn out.

For the girls make up, we will be using two very different styles as we are having a personality change for the girl. The first style is sweet, natural and girly and the second style is Gothic/grunge. To portray this using make up we will use natural looking make up, with light pinks and rose colours to show her soft feminine side for the first style, to thick black eye liner and smoky eye make up for the second.

To achieve these looks I needed to research into the different styles, so that I could get an idea of what the make up would look like and how I would do it. below I have added a mood board that I created:

 Tutorial on how to achieve black Smokey eyes for our actress:

Friday, 20 December 2013

Mood Board - Costumes

The first mood board that I have created is showing the contrasting fashion that is commonly worn by girly girls and grunge/gothic girls. We have chosen to do this because our characters personality changes throughout the trailer from good to bad, so we want the clothes to reflect how she is feeling.
From this research we can see that girls with a girly/flirty personality would normally wear light pastel pinks/whites and converse.

The second mood board is showing all the different items of clothes that a police decetive would wear. We have included the sterotypical long brown trench coat with glasses and a hat. 

Friday, 13 December 2013

Dates available for filming 1 - Nicole, Kira and Chloe

I have created a filming schedule for when Kira, Chloe and I are able to film, we will then create another schedule that will include our actors and the dates that they are able to film for us. From this schedule we can see that the only three days that we are all free together is the 2nd/3rd January. We are all also free on Friday 10th January and Friday 17th January, however we all have school that day and will be unable to film during the day, also we want to try and finish filming over the Christmas holidays.

Filming Dates Nicole Kira Chloe
Saturday 21 December 2013 X X  
Sunday 22 December 2013 X X X
Monday 23 December 2013   X X
Tuesday 24 December 2013 X X X
Wednesday 25 December 2013 X X X
Thursday 26 December 2013 X X X
Friday 27 December 2013   X  
Saturday 28 December 2013 X X  
Sunday 29 December 2013   X  
Monday 30 December 2013     X
Tuesday 31 December 2013 X X X
Wednesday 01 January 2014 X X X
Thursday 02 January 2014      
Friday 03 January 2014      
Saturday 04 January 2014 X   X
Sunday 05 January 2014   X (can change if needed)  
Monday 06 January 2014 (Cannot do 5:00-6:30)   X
Tuesday 07 January 2014 (Cannot do 5:30 - 9:30) (Cannot do 7:30 - 8:30) X
Wednesday 08 January 2014     X
Thursday 09 January 2014   (Cannot do 4:30 - 6:30)  
Friday 10 January 2014      
Saturday 11 January 2014 X    
Sunday 12 January 2014   X (can change if needed)  
Monday 13 January 2014 (Cannot do 5:00-6:30)   X
Tuesday 14 January 2014 (Cannot do 5:30 - 9:30)   X
Wednesday 15 January 2014   X  
Thursday 16 January 2014   (Cannot do 4:30 - 6:30)  
Friday 17 January 2014      
Saturday 18 January 2014 X   X